Plné vydání Andrea A. Squibb, C.HT. & Gary Pickus má 26 skladeb. Všechny skladby z alba Hypnotherapy Journeys for Relaxation and Stress Relief nahrané Andrea A. Squibb, C.HT. & Gary Pickus jsou k dispozici k poslechu online. Všechny prezentované zvukové stopy ve formátu WAV, AIFF, AAC, OGG, WMA, ALAC jsou dostupné na webu AntiCabasilicata. Vydání Hypnotherapy Journeys for Relaxation and Stress Relief obsahuje skladby z nejpopulárnějších: Introduction, Best Practices, Preparing to Relax Opener, Preparing to Relax Opener (Vocals), Preparing to Relax Opener (Instrumental), Balloon Breath Opener, Balloon Breath Opener (Vocals), Balloon Breath Opener (Instrumental), Progressive Relaxation Opener, Progressive Relaxation Opener (Vocals), Progressive Relaxation Opener (Instrumental), Light Tunnel to Beach, Light Tunnel to Beach (Vocals), Light Tunnel to Beach (Instrumental), Bound for the Stars, Bound for the Stars (Vocals), Bound for the Stars (Instrumental), Magnificent Tree, Magnificent Tree (Vocals), Magnificent Tree (Instrumental), Healing Waters, Healing Waters (Vocals), Healing Waters (Instrumental), Healing Grove, Healing Grove (Vocals), Healing Grove (Instrumental). New Age je žánr alba poprvé vydaného May 30, 2018.