Fans stonden in de rij in de winkels op Dec 17, 2021, de dag dat het muziekalbum Dance-style in de uitverkoop ging. Audiotracks van uitstekende kwaliteit volledig gratis beschikbaar op AntiCabasilicata. In totaal heeft Caio v0.1.1 50 nummers opgenomen in deze release. Welcome to the Digital World, Recordings 1072, File 107, The Future Is Now, Time Is Over, 100% Trust, Dark Purple, Three Hundred Sixty, I Don't Want to Play This Game, Welcome to the Digital World (Remix), I Don't Want to Play This Game (Remix), Kill (Remix) [feat. Mariely], Memory Card, Alert 892, Pt. 2, You Were Blocke, The Memories (8 Bit Version), It's Not the End of the World Yet, Sorry the System Was Blocked, The Game Is Not over Yet, Good News, Alert Mode, 11+12, Code, Elements, False Smile, Hidden Memories, Positions, The Game, The Memory, Main Menu, My Secrets, Test Drive, I Still Do Not Know, Test Me, Hidden Stars, Play, Replay, Hidden Stars (Remix), Alert 892, Witness, The Perfect Illusion, The Star Are Heard, Back to the Past, Look Behind You, D.R.E.A.M, C-11, Roulette, 2018, The Memories, 892 zijn de belangrijkste nummers die verschenen op de release van Digital World. De online versie van het album Digital World van Caio v0.1.1 is nu gratis te beluisteren.