Listen to your favorite tracks from the album Lengua Serpentina by Roberta Alloisio & Orchestra Bailam online for free. Roberta Alloisio & Orchestra Bailam included 14 different pieces of music on this release. Many of the tracks Lengua serpentina, Canta o ma, Se 'na mosca, Primma che t'abbandun-ne, I xzeneijzi cum Maria, Noi che semper naveghemmo, Bregantin, Soffio, Gianca, A foa de San Zòrzo, Amor non ti partire, Sciuscià e sciorbì, Il Santo Graal, Ya Salam on the release of the Lengua Serpentina received great popularity on the radio and on the Internet. All the audio tracks available on AntiCabasilicata are of excellent sound quality. The album appeared in stores and online services immediately after the announcement on Sep 18, 2007. You can find the album in the Worldwide section.