The full version of Martinho Pereira album Acordeonista is available online for listening. The highest sound quality of audio tracks is the main advantage of the AntiCabasilicata website over its competitors. The studio recorded 12 tracks, all of which are on the current Martinho Pereira release. Announced for the first time on Aug 22, 2016, the album was recorded on professional equipment in the Instrumental genre. The current release of the Acordeonista includes the tracks: Vira da Nossa Terra, Noite de Santo António, Corridinho, Olé Salvador, Ritmos do Sul, Rosas Brancas, Galito, Minha Aldeia Esquecida, Tarde Sombria, Eu Aprendí a Viver, Vira da Sra. das Graças, Raparigas de Belver.