All tracks from the album 13 pezzi per svuotare la pista (2022 Remaster) by Microspasmi, Goedi & Meddaman are available to listen online for free. AntiCabasilicata gives you access to thousands of excellent quality audio tracks completely free of charge. The release includes 13 musical compositions recorded by Microspasmi, Goedi & Meddaman. Fans lined up in stores on Jan 01, 2003, the day the Hip-Hop/Rap-style music album went on sale. The following tracks are available: Sono arrivato, Le mie orecchie, L'Incubo, Eh si', Se voi ci capireste (feat. Bassi Maestro), Eroi alla finestra, Il mio attacco e la mia guardia, Fammi fare il rap, I miei piedi, Gianni money, Quando ti siedi (feat. Fede), Il naufragio, La palestra - Eh siii...!!, presented as part of the release of the 13 pezzi per svuotare la pista (2022 Remaster).