Looking for tracks from the album القرآن الكريم? You can listen online to all tracks by شيخ القران قاري. The full release of شيخ القران قاري has 8 tracks. The release of the القرآن الكريم includes tracks from among the most popular: سورة الجزء الأول, سورة الجزء الثاني, سورة الجزء الثالث, سورة الجزء الرابع, سورة الجزء الخامس, سورة الجزء السادس, سورة الجزء السابع, سورة الجزء الثامن. High quality audio tracks are available for listening on the AntiCabasilicata website. Format WAV, AIFF, AAC, OGG, WMA, ALAC. The album appeared in stores and online services immediately after the announcement on Mar 14, 2021. You can find the album in the Vocal section.