All tracks from the album Я желаю by Vitaliy Sinitsyn are available to listen online for free. Vitaliy Sinitsyn release includes 13 songs. Many of the tracks Я желаю, Надеяться и верить, Серебряная свадьба, Опять одна, Стареем мы на год, Поровну, Давай, танцуй!, Приезжай, Я жду звонка, Лена, Леночка, Виктория, Юля, Виноваты on the release of the Я желаю received great popularity on the radio and on the Internet. Chanson in Russian music lovers got all the tracks on the day of release - Dec 17, 2021. WMA, AIFF, AAC, WAV, OGG, ALAC - list of available high quality audio track formats on the AntiCabasilicata website.