Looking for tracks from the album Masken - Wenzel singt Christoph Hein? You can listen online to all tracks by Wenzel. For lovers of Singer/Songwriter albums, all tracks became available on Apr 24, 2009. Many of the tracks Meine Masken, Lied von der Haltbarkeit des Geldes, Ich frage nicht, ob du mich liebst, Ich sah, Der kleine Prinz, Der alte Herr, Lag ein Schnee, Sie kannte nicht die Lieder, Madame Welt, Dunkler Tag, Erinnern, Zwillingsbruder, Um eine Stunde nur, Kehraus on the release of the Masken - Wenzel singt Christoph Hein received great popularity on the radio and on the Internet. The current version of Wenzel release includes 14 songs. The highest sound quality of audio tracks is the main advantage of the AntiCabasilicata website over its competitors.