German Folk is a genre of music introduced to fans on Apr 30, 2010 as part of this album. The full album Normal Ist Anders by Dicke Backe Attacke is available for free download online. The full release of Dicke Backe Attacke has 12 tracks. The tracks featured on the Normal Ist Anders release, such as Pilsner-Expolka, Böhmischer Wind, Mit Spass dabei! S Legraci, Ej Od, Buchlova, Südböhmische Polka, Dudácká, Böhmischer Traum, Kozlova, Aber bitte mit Sahne, Unter den Nussbäumen, What A Wonderful World, Auf der Vogelwiese, have been loved by many music lovers. All presented audio tracks in WAV, AIFF, AAC, OGG, WMA, ALAC format are available on the AntiCabasilicata website.