Aaj Photeni Mamo Kunje, Shukno Patar Nupur, Hey Priyo Tomar Aamar, Gange Joar Elo, Orey Nil Jamunar Jal, Aami Jar Nupurer Chhanda, Chaitali Chandni Rate, Nayan Bhara Jal, Chand Herichhe Chand Mukhopane, Biday Sandhya Aasilo, Padmar Dheure, Aamar Apanar Cheye - full list of available tracks on the Tunes of Kazi Nazrul Islam In Violin release. The full release of Dilip Roy has 12 tracks. Test the sound quality of audio tracks available for free on AntiCabasilicata. You can listen to your favorite songs from the album Tunes of Kazi Nazrul Islam In Violin by Dilip Roy online. Jan 01, 2005 - the day the album was released. The music style is predominantly Worldwide.