The total number of musical compositions included in the release of Mehul Chauhan is 7. Listen to all tracks from the album Parodhi Prabhatiya by Mehul Chauhan online. The genre of music presented in the album is Indian. The release took place on the evening of Jan 22, 2019. Many of these Parodhe Morli Kana Vage, He Aaviya Hanamo Jati, He Raam Bhajile Raam Manva, Aaj Mara Bhagya Jagya, Jago Ne Jasho Ma Na Jaya, He Ji Vala Kulu Re Kamno, He Prabhate Valona Gaje tracks are familiar to radio listeners, all available on the Parodhi Prabhatiya release. WMA, AIFF, AAC, WAV, OGG, ALAC - list of available high quality audio track formats on the AntiCabasilicata website.