Impressed by the excellent sound quality of the audio tracks presented on the AntiCabasilicata website. You can listen to your favorite songs from the album 16 Canciones Andrés Landero by Andrés Landero online. This lists all the tracks included in the 16 Canciones Andrés Landero release: Perdí las Abarcas, Compae Pacho, Noche de Estrellas, Con el Pie Pelao, Viejos Recuerdos, Santa Lucia, Así Se Goza, Una Sonrisa Pá Mamá, Cumbia de Amor, Las Miradas de Magalli, Nohemí, Rosa y Mayo, La Mexicanita, Cumbia Campesina, Sentimiento Campesino, Pobres Campesinos. Jun 26, 2019 - the official release of the album, after which anyone could buy it. Brazilian music genre. The final version of the release from Andrés Landero received 16 songs.