All songs from the album Maanplaas by Willim Welsyn are available for listening. The current version of Willim Welsyn release includes 9 songs. The release of the Maanplaas was presented by the following tracks: Die Wolwe Het Belowe, Die Verlede Lees, Miskien Is Dit Jy, 'N Mondvol Jy, Lyke Om Die Tafel, Die Verlange, Dan Slaap Ons Laat, Die Middagmens, Die Man Met Die Gram. The announcement of the album to the general public took place on Jun 07, 2017. At the presentation, it was announced that the songs were recorded in the Rock style. WMA, AIFF, AAC, WAV, OGG, ALAC - list of available high quality audio track formats on the AntiCabasilicata website.